Bob Anderson

Bob relishes that there’s no such thing as a "typical day" at SmithGroup. "Every day is different, fast-moving and exciting," he says. "Working with our clients is a very collaborative effort for the entire project team. The greatest awards don’t come from plaques on the wall, but knowing that you and your team have done a job well and the client wants to work with you again." Apart from his work, Bob is drawn to works of poetry by Donald Hall, one of his professors at the University of Michigan. "His books of essays are thought-provoking reflections that give me enjoyment and, at times, personal inspiration." Inspiration comes, too, from travels to favorite spots like Ireland and northern Scotland, and architecture icons like Eero Saarinen. If he could time travel, "I’d stop in for a visit with Eero Saarinen," Bob muses. "Then I’d head for 1957, when I could see the Detroit Lions win the National Football League championship—something that will probably never happen again in my lifetime."