Tom Faucette

Tom always wanted to be an engineer. "I've always been intrigued with how stuff was designed and how it works," he says. "When I was young, I wanted to be an astronaut, and engineering seemed like a good conduit to reach that goal." Tom's career has worked out quite nicely—he combines his interests in electrical and computer engineering and an ethos for sustainability and resilience and applies them to the technical nature of science and technology projects for public and private research clients. A combination of a "history buff" and "techno-geek," he admires the late Steve Jobs. "His understanding of ‘controlling’ the hardware and software combined with how he built and re-built Apple really intrigues me," he notes. Tom also has a strong connection to the environment. An avid wilderness adventurer and cyclist, Tom says, "If I wasn't an engineer, I'd want to combine my love of the great outdoors and cycling to coach a high school mountain biking team or open an outdoor, cycling and coffee shop."