Traverse City Public Pier
One of Michigan’s most beloved waterfront communities, Traverse City was eager to improve access to Grand Traverse Bay and provide the public with expanded opportunities for enjoying it. SmithGroup responded with an artful design befitting of the bay’s beauty. A gently curving public pier stretches 550 feet out across the water, providing universal access to deep water fishing and grand views. At the base of the pier, a boardwalk provides safe and convenient pedestrian passage under busy Grandview Parkway and across the Boardman River to downtown. Together, they unite the city and its bay on an intimate scale, creating a landmark destination for residents and visitors.
Traverse City
Traverse City, Michigan
Coastal Engineering, Waterfront, Waterfront Plans

The design overcomes a challenging site. The pier's raised deck and pile-supported system can withstand the substantial forces of waves and ice.

The pier connects a welcoming route that connects Grand Traverse Bay with downtown, Front Street Plaza, Grandview Parkway, and coastal wetlands.