Wade Fuh

How does Wade envision his career 10 years from now? "Most likely, still learning," he responds. "I’m more comfortable accepting that I am still a beginner in many aspects." Perhaps that’s part of the creative process for Wade, who obtained undergraduate degrees in both fine arts, and architecture from Yale. Much of his work is spent on learning environments such as law schools, and large public venues. "My favorite buildings tend to be ones that serve the public and provide positive social impact," says Wade. He’s drawn to the challenge of "heavy-traffic centers—civic buildings, transit hubs, museums, performance venues. These types of buildings must tolerate large numbers of people, yet also facilitate the better parts of the human experience." Just don’t expect his finest ideas first thing in the morning. "Coffee and late nights are more my style," notes Wade, who occasionally spends the wee hours streaming horror movies with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Americone Dream ice cream.