Bernadette Muncy

“I believe that we’re all designers at SmithGroup,” says Bernadette. “We execute the best results for our clients when we work in an integrated way.” Along with her project work, Bernadette takes seriously her staffing role, which entails learning about people and different projects needs to make a good fit. As her leadership role grows, Bernadette says she’s learned, “vulnerability isn’t something to be ashamed of. Leading is not about being perfect, but rather showing one’s true self. Mistakes don’t equal failures; they can transform into innovation and growth.” If she needs a reminder of that message, Bernadette needs to look no further than her rescue pup, Tickle. “We adopted Tickle after she had spent months in a shelter and had been adopted and returned twice. She’s been through a lot yet is the most affectionate being I’ve ever known. She’s the true representation of overcoming adversity.”