Diana Kissil

In addition to ensuring the projects she works on function well and are of good value to the client, Diana strives "to include elements of joy and delight in my designs. I aim to nurture and benefit those who experience the space." Diana first experienced the joy and delight of architecture in high school, when a friend happened to share a copy of Architectural Digest. "It had images of beautiful, refined interior design that I had never even dreamed of," she recalls. It enthralled her. "The idea of producing something concrete, that a multitude of people can experience, was irresistible." Diana feels fortunate that she was invited to attend Detroit’s Cass High School, a city-wide honors school with a culturally diverse student body. "It broadened my awareness of the number of talented, intelligent people there are in the world," she notes. Today she appreciates the talents of her clients and coworkers. "I learn something every day and am a better person for it."