Lori Singleton

Drawn to "the convergence of form, space, art, science, math and culture," both architecture and landscape architecture appeal to Lori. But it was the "temporal nature" of landscape architecture that won her over. "I love working with the complexity and variation of natural systems," she explains. "Living and growing things evolve over time, and we, as designers, predict how that will play out." One of her favorite projects at SmithGroup is the redesign of historic Grand Circus Park in Detroit, reflecting the park’s history, reconnecting to its context, and enabling community activation. Lori is intrigued by the intersections of community, artistic expression, and nature; her favorite American city is New Orleans where she returns regularly to immerse all her senses in the rich and layered culture. Her interest in music spans several genres and she admires Icelandic singer/songwriter/actress Bjork, whom she calls "an inspired and creative genius across multiple art forms."