Community Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic & Beyond

For landscape architects, stakeholder engagement is a fundamental part of the planning and design process. And because much of landscape architecture involves public or quasi-public space, these stakeholders are often the community at large. Advances in technology have dramatically increased the number of ways we can gather input and collaborate. But when in-person outreach, meetings, workshops, and charrettes are no longer options, how can we ensure that community engagement is broad, inclusive, and equitable? What tools and strategies can be used to overcome the digital divide and other issues that affect access? What else is needed to meet community members where they are? Does the role of the designer change? On April 21, SmithGroup's Michael Johnson and fellow panelists will come together with the Landscape Architecture Foundation for a webinar discussing strategies and creative solutions to ensure broad and inclusive public engagement remains embedded in the planning and design process both during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond it.