Cindy Cogil

Cindy brings a strong skill set in building mechanical systems, with special expertise in environmentally conscious building design. She co-developed the heat transfer model for below-grade structures in the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory EnergyPlus building energy simulation computer program, which R&D Magazine named one of the 100 most technologically significant products of 2003. "Becoming a mechanical engineer was really the culmination of my interest in architecture and building physics," she says wryly, "coupled with my competitive disposition to defy gender stereotypes." She's pleased things have changed since she entered the profession. "Now I am one of many women engineers in our firm, and I hope that I can help other women new to the profession see a path for themselves." When she gets time for herself, "I really enjoy fishing," Cindy remarks. "I am calmed by the rhythm of movement, the single-minded nature of it. I completely lose track of time."